
Tea class [Beginner class] has started!

The day before yesterday, Tuesday, the tea class [beginner class ] started.

Thank you for all four times until December!

I will also introduce the state of the classroom in this blog, so I hope that it will be helpful for those who are thinking about taking the next class (starting in May 2009)!

The day's class started with an orientation and focused on a lecture on the history of tea.

During the lecture, Isobuchi's valuable antique collection (such as Motspoon) was also exhibited.

Everyone was watching with great interest. Tea classroom 1028①

The climax of the day was a demonstration of how to make hot tea.

Isobuchi will demonstrate the points for brewing delicious black tea, including failure examples.

Tea classroom 1028②

Teapots and black tea are included in the teaching materials, so I'm sure everyone is enjoying a delicious cup of black tea at home by now.

Next week will be about milk tea.

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