NHK FM横浜・・3月26日(金曜日)・・PM6時~生放送

NHK FM Yokohama: March 26th (Friday) 6:00 p.m.

"A cup of healing tea" NHK FM Yokohama live broadcast this Friday, 26th! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The broadcast of the new year will start in April! Aired on the 1st Tuesday of every month! ================================= This week on the 26th (Friday), NHK FM Yokohama's tea program "Healing Tea" One cup" will end. . . . From April, it will be from 6:00 pm on the first Tuesday of every month. . I will have a meeting with Nishida Caster this week for more details. . . I would like to make it a program that is more fun, full of information about tea, and incorporates the wisdom of a little profitable tea that is beneficial. Please continue listening... NHK
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