A tea monk...A trip to England, India, and Sri Lanka Speaking of a unique tea researcher, it's Mr. Masamoto Ishiga, who lives in Kurayoshi City, Tottori Prefecture, and works as a priest at a temple. It's been 12 years since we met. During that time, I went on a tea trip with England, India and Sri Lanka. Mr. Ishiga has a tea room on the temple grounds and also runs a tea bar chaai. You can drink tea cocktails here! I met you today after a long time. . . The story piles up is tea, travel, food, and communication with people. He has a really interesting point of view and is a charming chief priest. . I call myself a "tea boy". I also want to travel with you.
Monks go on journeys and attain enlightenment... The same goes for tea.... It's almost time for a Sri Lanka tour in July. Would you like to join us?