
Hamburger Mos Burger with fish and fresh vegetables

Moss's new product, fish + vegetable hamburger best pairing is iced tea

There was a terrible storm this morning.

In Dimbula, there was a seminar of the Tea and Food Research Department, but the train was delayed significantly, and people who lived far away could not attend, so I started 30 minutes late.

The theme is pairing of tea and food.

It was the last day of the 3 times in a row.

Actually, yesterday, I ate Mos Burger's new product "Fish + Vegetable Fish Marinated Cheese Burger" with iced tea, and I would like to introduce its deliciousness. . .

Originally I liked fish burgers, but this combination of marinade style and vegetables is really well-balanced and "delicious!"

However, what I would like you to drink together is iced tea.

The flavor of the fish and oil components are washed away, making the second bite fresh and delicious.

The aftertaste is like drinking wine. . . .

This iced tea is Sri Lankan tea, but it's fresh tea straight from the tea garden.

It's soft, sharp, and has a gentle flavor of black tea.

It's perfect for hamburgers.

This is the best match. .

Best pairing.

Moss black tea is Isobuchi's selection .

Please try by all means try! Moss marinated cheeseburger and iced tea pairingIced tea is Isobuchi selection

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