Black Tea Legend (Tsuchiya Shoten) ・・・ Redesigned and released ・・・ New price (1155 yen including tax)
Black Tea Legend (Tsuchiya Shoten) The Country of Black Tea Discovered by England~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tea Legend (Tsuchiya Shoten) will release this book with a new look. . (Published on August 25) Takeshi Isobuchi Tea Legend Takeshi Isobuchi Walked "The Land of Tea Discovered by England" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~New Price 1155 yen (tax included) This is a newly written book as an essay on the history of black tea. Why was black tea born and why did it become a favorite drink all over the world? This is the story of a journey to explore the mystery of tea... The history of tea cannot be told without England. But England alone cannot tell the history of tea either. London, Fujian, Yunnan, Myanmar, Assam, Sri Lanka... For 30 years, Isobuchi explored the mysteries of tea by visiting legendary places. . . New Tea History Essay ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can ask for it at the bookstore store. Also available at Dimbura store