
Autumn and winter fresh tea arrivals...a little late!

New tea sales scheduled around November 20th

Yesterday, there was a report from Mr. Ranjit of Sri Lanka, and the shipment of tea was done.
It is expected to arrive in Japan in early November. After customs clearance, warehousing, and packing, I think it will be possible to sell the product around November 20th at the earliest. . . .

Mr. Ranjit went on a business trip to Manila again today. It seems to be the support of Mr. Clay (Ambassador of Manila).

I'm taking a little breather this week. It's going to be an overcrowded schedule from next week.

26th (Tuesday) : Tea class beginner course start 27th (Wednesday) : "Kirin Afternoon Tea Seminar" in Osaka

29th (Friday) : Lecture and panel discussion at "World Tea Festival" in Shizuoka

November 3rd (Wednesday): I'm in Kyoto...
Notice: "Article on tea" will be published in Nikkei Shimbun this Saturday...
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