来週2月1日(火曜日)はNHK FM横浜「トワイライトティー」

Next Tuesday, February 1st, NHK FM Yokohama "Twilight Tea"

February 1, NHKFM Yokohama "Twilight Tea" Yasuko Agawa will appear live! Send a question to Mr. Agawa, a tea drinker! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NHK Yokohama FM FAX No.045-212-4887 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This week is the end of January. It's been very cold these days. But there were white flowers blooming on the plum tree in the garden. Next week, February 1st (Tuesday) will be NHK FM Yokohama's "Takeshi Isobuchi's Twilight Tea" PM6:05-6:45. We invited Ms. Yasuko Agawa, a tea lover who lives in Kamakura, as a guest. We will deliver a fun tea story. If you have any questions for Mr. Agawa, please fax him. We look forward to. . . . . . .
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