岡山に英国式紅茶のお店誕生・Tea Rose

The birth of a British-style tea shop in Okayama, Tea Rose

British tea specialty store Tea Rose

Tea Rose, a British-style tea specialty store, opened in Okayama last month.

The owner is Yasuko Washimi.

He has experience living in the UK and received tea training in the UK around the time of opening this shop.

When it was open, I was the advisor.

And I visited on April 26th and held a tea seminar from the evening.

Many guests enjoyed the tea.

Our recommendation is English-style tea, with milk, and full-fledged black tea made with pasteurized milk.

And the sweets made by Washimi-san, especially the scones, are the best.

Please drop by.

Eisen Building 1F, 6-27 Mayamachi, Okayama City . .

TEL 086-224-0558 (Business hours 11:00-19:00) Regular holiday Every Tuesday Fourth Thursday of every month

Tea Specialty Store Tea RoseOwner Yasuko Washimi

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