Light blue like the setting sun, transparent red candy tea
It's been a sunny Christmas.
When I put tea in a glass and put it on my desk before noon, the sunlight just came in and it was shining.
The desk is also dyed red, that beautiful thing. I couldn't help but admire it.
When you look into the glass, it looks like the sea at sunset.
I remembered the sunrise I saw in Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka in August this year and the sunset over the Indian Ocean in Colombo.
Candy tea.
This red color is a special catechin that only black tea has, called tea polyphenols.
This is the power to create cold prevention, sterilization, antibacterial, and antioxidant effects. It also helps break down fat.
From now on, you will receive the power of the candy that the sun has melted into.
Everyone please. Merry Christmas and Tea!