ヨーロッパ紅茶紀行 No.2

European Tea Travelogue No.2

Irish dairy products are the best!

It's been raining since morning. The weather in Ireland was gloomy, with occasional faint sunshine and a temperature of 12 to 3 degrees Celsius.

It's lamb meat.

It's soft, odorless, and very delicious.

The Guinness I drank there was perfect. .

I just finished one more cup.

In addition to Guinness, Ireland also has dairy products , especially milk, cream, butter and, of course, cheese.

Especially cream and butter are the best.

The milk, of course, is pasteurized milk, but it is smooth and refreshing to drink.

When you drink tea with milk with this, the aftertaste is really refreshing.

The cream also melts like snow and is not sticky.

Butter has a good fragrance, which is also outstanding. It turns out that Thomas Lipton purposely brought in dairy products from Ireland in his general store.

Tomorrow is "Sunday Tea Time" at Dimbula .

We have received a lot of applications from customers, and there are many people who are waiting for cancellations.

We apologize to customers who could not prepare seats.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Irish lamb, tender and deliciousThis cream is so delicious that you can't taste it in Japan!Cork's English market was smallBally's tea ・Very easy to drink and popular!

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