Good evening
Just the other day, I tried making a memorable taste of Sri Lanka, "Watarappan"!
"Watarappan" is a pudding made with sugar "Jagari" made from toddy palm sap, coconut milk and various spices (*´∇`*)
"Jagari" used what I bought at such a place! (It was melting a bit (>人<;))
Watarappan is a very sweet dessert, so you will want to eat it while sipping masala tea or Dimbra!
The watarappan I made this time was made with a recipe written by my father. The texture was plump, probably because there were a little more eggs, but when I ate it in Sri Lanka, it was a little harder and the texture was crispy.
Purunpurun texture and taste were popular with the staff (laughs)
For a limited time around Christmas, I think it would be nice to have a set menu of Watarapan and Christmas tea (*´∇`*)
See you soon (*ᴗˬᴗ)⁾