The scone sales at the online shop that started the other day were sold out on the same day!
Thank you so much everyone (*^^*)
Shipping started on August 26th, so please wait for a while!
Today I would like to talk about the scones made at the tea specialty shop Dimbura because I have a special feeling (*´∇`*)
The scones that I make at my (current) tea shop, Dimbula, are the ones that my father learned directly from Mr. Caron, an Englishman.
(Left: Me, Center: Mr. Caron, Right: Father)
Dad, you have such a nice smile. I've always been the one taking pictures, so I didn't expect there to be pictures of such a good smile (*^^*)
I'm holding hands with Caron-san (laughs).
Caron's scones that my father and mother taught me and I ate when I was little are also good memories.
The leaves that serve the scones are the ivy that my father is good at.
It seems that there was no mold for scones at that time, and Mr. Caron seemed to say that it was okay to use only hot water, and this photo is exactly the one that was pulled out with hot water. This scone was really great with milk tea!
Even in the tea class, I think my father has talked about it (* ^ _ ^ *)
It seems that anything is good if you get out of the mold!
The most important work that influences the taste and texture that Caron taught me is that I always do the scones that I make at the current tea specialty shop Dimbula.
The scones sold at the tea specialty store Dimbula are made in many different flavors, with flavors that I like and that I want to try. Not powdery. It is a scone that can be eaten deliciously without jam or clotted cream.
Many kinds of scones will be born in the future. Even so, I will continue to protect what my fathers learned from Caron back then (〃^▽^〃)
Once all shipments are completed, we will start accepting online and phone orders again!
Thank you very much (*ᴗˬᴗ)⁾
1 comment
以前 藤沢のお店に何回か伺ったことのある者です。
次男が藤沢のT嶺学園に入学した2008年から6年の間、学校行事の折等に何回か お邪魔しました。
自宅は鶴見ですので藤沢は遠く、次男が高校卒業後は いつかまた伺いたいな、と思いながら月日が流れました。
今日、本棚の整理をしていて磯淵猛氏の著作を手にし、懐かしいあのお店は 変わらず営業なさっているかしら、と思い サイトを検索してみると以前とは様子が違い…
磯淵猛さんは お亡くなりになっていらしたのですね。
今更ですが お悔やみ申し上げます。
そしてお嬢様が お店の後を継がれている…
以前 伺った藤沢のお店が既に無いことは残念ですが、新しいお店を片瀬江ノ島駅近くにオープンなさっておられるそうですね。
江ノ島へは時々観光に訪れますので 藤沢よりは行き易い気が致します。
明日からは ちょうど夏季休業とのこと、涼しくなる頃、お店に伺って見ようと思います。