8月10日(火曜日):紅茶食品研究科 Tークラス開講

August 10th (Tuesday): Tea Foods Graduate School T-class begins

Tea Foods Graduate School T-Class Start: August 10 (Tuesday) Cheer up this heat with chai! I go to indoor tennis on Sunday mornings. . . The special sports drink I brought this morning was made by adding a pinch of salt, a spoonful of sugar, and a vitamin C supplement to black tea. . Many people drink afternoon tea! Lemon tea is recommended! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From this Tuesday (10th) "T-class of the Tea and Food Research Department" It's the start of the course. It is a one year course. It's once a month, so I'm going to study and learn by myself. Even if you have already graduated from the graduate school, please come and listen to the latest information on black tea at this graduate school. 0466-24-4649: Tisobuti Company
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