milk tea in autumn
This is Sri Lanka's local milk tea (Kirity). It contains a lot of sugar and is very sweet, but one cup of this gives me energy.
This fried spicy food is also good~ This is a chai shop in the city of Darjeeling. Hot chai! It's already mid-October, so the mornings and evenings will be pretty cold.
Tea with milk is the main drink in Dimbula, but chai with spices and masala is popular this month, especially when it's cold like yesterday. I can say that this Uva is very delicious. . . He even said that it was easy to drink, that it had a good aroma like black tea, and that it reminded him of the Uva that Dimbura used to sell. Ranjit is next in our tea selection in Sri Lanka. I'd like to ship it by the end of next month. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~