明日NHKFM 横浜:ヒーリングティーを一杯:PM6:00~

Tomorrow NHKFM Yokohama: Have a cup of healing tea: PM6:00~

Autumn color: I got a persimmon: It's similar to the color of black tea. From Tuesday next week, fall 2009: Beginner 's class of black tea is still open for registration! 0466-24-4649


I got a persimmon. . Autumn colors. . It is displayed in Dimbra. . .

Very similar to the color of delicious tea! Tomorrow is a live program on NHK FM Yokohama. "Have a cup of healing tea" from 6pm.

This time, about the mystery that developed from the origin of Yunnan tea to black tea,

I will tell you the difference between pu-erh black tea and black tea.

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