
Autumn is coming little by little...

During the typhoon the other day, around here in Fujisawa, it rained for about a month at a stretch. After that, the mornings and nights are cool, and you can feel the arrival of autumn little by little. . . In July and August, about 80% of our customers drank iced tea, but recently the number of customers asking for hot tea has increased. A British teacher of English conversation I used to learn said that British people don't drink iced tea. He said he drinks hot tea even in summer. Come to think of it, chai is warm all year round, regardless of the season, whether in Sri Lanka or India. In that respect, is it a national trait that Japanese people are sensitive to changes in temperature and seasons? . . A lot of handmade tea cozy has been completed in conjunction with the change of season. This time, there are many floral patterns in calm colors in the autumn and winter versions. It will be available in stores in late September. Please look forward to it.
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