今月・今日から新番組・NHKFM 横浜

This month, new program from today, NHKFM Yokohama

NHKFM Yokohama 81.9MHz 6:00pm-7:00pm "Healing Tea/Tea Talk"

NHKFM Yokohama's "Yokohama Sound Shuttle", which became a new program from April , will have a tea talk program titled "Healing Tea" on the fourth Friday of every month from 6:00 to 7:00 pm. .

We will introduce the countries of tea, how to make it, recipes, food, communication, and episodes. .

As usual, something pops out, but I will do my best to make it as interesting and fun as possible. Please listen.

Today is the first day, I will enter the studio around 5:30.

The partner announcer is Nariko Nishida, let's have her face photo published next time!

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