Dimbula's "Strawberry Waffle" ... Sold until the end of the consecutive holidays!
Fresh tea & strawberry waffles are exquisite!"Strawberry waffles" that you can eat with Dimbula's handmade strawberry jam and strawberry syrup, but we will sell it during the long holidays. The flavor of this year's strawberry jam was very popular, and many customers regretted not being able to eat it until next year. . . . Please try to eat it with fresh tea that has just switched. . . . that's tasty! Tea with milk from Dimbula, iced milk tea if it's a little hot, or black tea from Nuwara Eliya. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tomorrow, Mr. Tanaka from Ungirls will be on the NHK Educational TV program "Extreme". Here is the recording. I will update the situation on my blog...