
Darling, First Flush, now is the season

The wind of May, the scent of Darjeeling

It's sunny, isn't it?

The wind in May feels good.

Living in Shonan somehow smells good.

The scent of the wind changes in a day.

You can smell the sea in the morning, and the green scent of the mountains flows toward the sea in the evening. .

Darjeeling's first flush flavor and aroma, and the light blue color of lemon tea, match well with this perfect season .

Fresh leaves are picked, kneaded by a machine, and fermented, but they do not turn brown easily.

A tea picker called Junpana Lady.

Is it your busiest time now?

Oh yeah, tea is served at the tea garden at 3 o'clock. Of course I drink Darjeeling. . .

I'm going to Jungpana in October. Let's have tea in the tea garden. First flush, let it fermentPale orange light blue, Junpana tea plantationJunpana Tea Lady

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