
A letter from the village where James Taylor was born

A letter from the village where James Taylor was born

Kinkerdenshire, Auchenblae, Scotland

James Taylor was born in 1835 and lived there until he was 16.

This is the first place I visited when I was interviewing for "Tea no Kuni/Trip of Tea" (Chikuma Shobo).

At that time, I got a letter from the owner of the pub I stopped by.

Actually, at the end of last year, there was a story that I wanted Taylor's materials, and the things I collected

I was sending it.

Although it is a small village, it seems that tailors have been featured in the history of the village.

I've only been there once, but I still enjoy the scenery and the site where the tailor lived.

I remember it vividly. .

It was a village that I finally found, so it's all about my thoughts.

It's been so long, but I'm so glad you still remember me!

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